Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I am at my first full day of council and I am actually excited about it because I am meeting up with old good friends.

Last night God gave me a vision of this denomination in its current state: I saw a dog that was shot and it was limping but the difficult part was the dog was limping away from the help. It was near help but not in the direction of help. After hearing the session last night I realize that we are a wounded congregation and are close to being healed but something has to call us out of this.

I believe that the next generation will call us out of this. Why aren't more younger leaders in a good position of leadership? Are we in a significant place of leadership? I do not know. I am praying that we not only turn around and get healed but that we start chasing revival. If this denomination wants to survive that is what we need. I know for me and some of my friends that is what we are called to.

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