Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meeting Day

Yesterday was meeting day. It was long and tiring but I felt like I accomplished something. Spent some time talking about personal vision, planned weekend worship service, strategized community groups, and planned our next immerse event.

I am learning that accomplishing your vision comes with a price. It is something that in its ideal is beautiful but getting there is messy. This is true of life vision, family vision, work vision, and ministry vision. I am a guy who dreams big dreams and I hate it when I get mickey mouse instead of big dreams. But God has called us to pursue the dreams he has given us. I am going to pursue those dreams that he has given me.

Random Thought: I read a blog by Craig Groeschel entitled: Reverend Steve Jobs
You should read it. It is funny. What would it be like if we all worshipped to our iPods rather than a band?

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