Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rescue Mission

I think many of us have forgotten what the mission is all about. In today's Lent reading in John 3 Jesus started his conversation with Nicodemus. As I was reading the story it reminded me of the fact that we should be having those kinds of conversations everyday. I was under conviction as I read because it has been a little while since I shared with someone.

The last person I had a conversation like this with was about a month ago. I was in the San Diego area and my car broke down. We had to get the car towed back to the rental place and get a new rental car. After I found a ride for Kelly and Joshua back to our hotel I got in the tow truck for the hour drive back to the rental place. The driver was Michael. He was from Iran. He was open to the Gospel. I shared with him the story of Jesus, Jesus' story in my life, and how Jesus could change his life. Michael shared stories of his life of alcohol and drug abuse. To me it was evident God had a hand in his life. To me I feel like God used me to help Michael take a step closer to Jesus. By the end of our conversation he said he believed in Jesus but he also said he still believed in Islam. I believe he was genuine based on stories he told and other people God had in his life. It is my prayer that those Christians in his life God uses to help him realize that Jesus is THE WAY.

How many of us have a story like Michael in the past month? I am convicted that I have not had one. I have heard people say that isn't my gifting or I am not called to that. That is redonkulous because we all have the same mission in Matthew 28 of Going and making disciples. We as Christians are called to be like Christ and Christ shared the Gospel all the time. It is our job to rescue as many as we can from eternal destruction. Yesterday we took a group of young adults down to the homeless shelter Rescue Mission. We sorted clothes and helped in their thrift store. All of this is to help the homeless and less fortunate. This was an opportunity to live the mission of God in a practical way. You never know what might happen in a setting like that. We had a good turnout relative to previous weeks but the number of people showing up was poor. It made me ask the question are many of us even on a Rescue Mission or are we on the coast mission?

When we get to the throne of God we are going to be asked to give an account.

What will your story be?

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