Thursday, December 24, 2009

Health Care and Christmas

Where is the unity? I'm glad congress is doing something to help those without healthcare but where is congressional unity? It seems the democrats are just bulldozing past the republicans without ever including them in discussions. Where are the back room meetings to at least get a couple of republicans support. It seems the democrats just say to republicans we'll do whatever we want and don't need you but by doing that you alienate half of the country.

Republicans, the democrats conceded a lot but no one supports it? It really seems republicans are saying no just to say no so Obama fails on his attempt at bipartisanship. I have a hard time believing no republican could vote for this. They took out public option, early buy in to Medicare, and proved over the long haul this bill pays for itself. In my opinion Lieberman was the republican rep on this bill. He was working for republicans and did a good job. I believe the majority of senators were content with this bill but republicans voted no to save their political hides.

Our government has lost site of what their job is all about. Their voting is soley based on winning their next election not on doing what is right. I'm getting annoyed with it. I'm getting tired of talk show hosts who just want strike fear into the hearts of Americans. All to just get their way politically. That is just wrong. People wake up, talk show hosts on both sides slant the truth to make you hate the other party. No matter what side you are on, think for yourself not what some talk show host tells you to think. Remember, they are out to make $ not be right.

I personally think we as believers in Christ need to be careful on what political party we side with. Both parties do good and both do bad. I for one do not think Christ should be lumped in with the bad. I hate it when I see people lumping Christianity and Christ in with something bad that is going on in politics. Ultimately Jesus was about bringing reform to peoples lives and hearts. He came to see hearts changed. If we as Christians would rise up and model our lives after Jesus rather than relying on some politician to do it then much of the wrong we see in our society would be changed.

Can you imagine what would happen if a generation of believers would rise up and live a life of sacrifice, obedience, humility, reconciliation, and for the least of these? We see what happened in Jesus' generation the Jewish political climate was turned upside down. If we want a revolution to happen politically it has to start in our own lives. What are you doing to live like Jesus? What are you doing to see your neighbor live like Jesus? Your family? Your co-workers? Your community? Your state? This country? The world?

To do this it takes giving of our life. Are you willing to give your life for the cause of Jesus Christ? We celebrate Jesus' birth in 1 day when He came to this earth with the purpose to sacrifice himself for you. Are you willing to sacrifice for him? May your gift this Christmas be one that takes a huge risk for Him! When we all do that then we can turn our society upside down!

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