Thursday, December 17, 2009

I paint houses

Yesterday our staff painted someones house in Trenton that in all honesty needed to be gutted out and started over. Now, because of lanlord issues we did what we could and what we could do was mostly cosmetic.

But it got me thinking. How many times do we do this with our lives? Our lives need some real gutting and renovating yet we just address cosmetics and make ourselves look good.

This home was dirty and had cochroaches running through it. There were a couple of times that I painted right over the coachroaches and they became permanent fixtures. How often do we just paint over the cochroaches of our lives? We see an issue and just address the symptom but we never to get to the root.

What are you doing with your life? Are you just painting over issues? I believe the majority of us just paint over and don't deal with the real issues. Deal with your real issues. Don't call yourself a good Christian when you know you have an army of cochroaches running around your heart. And besides you aren't really fooling anyone.

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