Thursday, January 14, 2010

Land of the Thai

We have made it to our destination: Thailand. It is exciting to finally be able to explore the ministry in Bangkok. We have tons of meetings set up with local pastors and ministries. Pray connections go well and God moves in us as we come up with a strategy for ministry here.

One thing I have noticed while being around missionaries is that they have a huge vision for their countries. HUGE! Every missionary I have talked to has had the attitude of let's reach our whole country. How am I going to do it? I think this should translate back to us in Plainsboro. How can we think outside of our city box and have a bigger view of reaching people for Jesus. How can we have a state view and a world view? I am so grateful to be a part of a church that is about reaching the world for Jesus and investing in a ministry like one we are going to. But individually I think many of us miss the point of the mission God gave us. What are you doing to make disciples in the whole world? It starts with praying leads to giving and ends up at going. I believe if you aren't going you are disobeying God's Great Commission found in Matthew 28. "Go into all the world and make disciples..." Where are you going?

Our prayer is that through this ministry in Bangkok the masses find Jesus and many churches are planted in Bangkok as a result. It is so cool to be a pioneer of this new ministry. Please join us in praying over these next four days that we lay appropriate ground work for this pioneering. May God go before us and ordain connections and give us supernatural blessings. May we say God moved in a powerful way.

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