Monday, May 31, 2010

Love God Well

Loving God means that we should not take advantage of God Grace.

I learned from today's reading that God is very patient. There was generation after generation of the Israelites serving other gods and it took God a long time before they were put into captivity in Babylon. Israel failed to take advantage of Gods patience. I don't want to be one who takes advantage.

A good parallel to this is when Paul talks about taking advantage of Gods Grace in Romans 6. We are not to take advantage of Gods Grace. It eventually caught up with the Israelites and it will eventually catch up with you. I would argue that if you take advantage of Gods Grace for too long you may not be a Jesus follower because if we love Him why would we keep taking advantage of someone we love?

Loving God well is obeying Him and following Him wholeheartedly. Not worshipping other gods and we all have them and if we are honest with ourselves we know what our idols are that we have to stop worshipping over God.

Love God well and destroy your idols.(anything that takes precidence over God)

Pressing On

Yesterday I took a much needed day off from the 90 day challenge. The workout rest was already built in, I have a scripture day off on Tuesday so I took it yesterday as well as the journaling to spend some quality time with the family. My parents were in town and we spent most of the day after I preached at sesame place. It was awesome to play with Joshua there and see his reaction to the fireworks. He loved them.

Today I begin phase 2 with a good core workout. Looking forward to pressing on in my training.

Now what to do on memorial day looks to be a great day.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Phase 1 Done

Just completed week 4 of P90X. Monday I head into phase 2. I feel a lot stronger and in much better shape. Now it is time to do some serious burning of calories and lose a bunch of weight. Monday morning before I start phase 2 I will do my one month measurements. I still haven't missed a day.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day Off

Today is my day off from work. Don't hate as I work most of the weekend. Busy weekend ahead with preaching, family in town, and Immerse.

Today I'm thinking of going with the family to Sesame Place as well as tomorrow with my parents. Should be good times. We were generously helped out with season passes for our family. Good times.

Today is cardio day in P90X. Looking forward to it actually. I will also finish 1 Kings today. Hopefully I will get oil changed well in our cars, been a while since that's been done.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Training Others

Today was stretching for an hour and it isn't your old high school stretching before gym class. It really makes you work and sweat. Although not a normal P90X sweat.

I learned about many of the Kings in Israel. I'm again reminded that when leading true success is handing off well. David did not do this well and we see Solomon slowly fall away from God and Israel as well. Slowly they deteriorated to the point where they were serving other gods. Good leadership is leaving well. Leaving well is training your successor well and setting them up for success. David set Solomon up for success but probably didn't train well.

This weekend I am preaching and will be looking at the life of Paul and how he trained well.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finale week

One of the things Kelly and I love doing together is watching stories on TV. And this week is a fun week with most of our favorite shows having their finale's exciting stuff. We love a good story.

I'm in a good place mentally with the working out. I feel like it is becoming a habit. I'm feeling more in shape and stronger everyday.

I love reading scripture in order and in large chunks you really get good perspective on what is going on. On to 1 Kings.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Crazy Kids

David had some crazy kids. One of his sons raped one of his daughters and another killed the son who raped the daughter and that son, Absalom plotted to take the kingdom from his father David and did for a time. Eventually Absalom was killed and David got his kingdom back but David wept and mourned for days for his son. His love extended beyond the betrayal and wrongdoings Absalom had. I believe this is another reason David is a man after Gods own heart because God is much the same. No matter the sin or how bad we think we messed up God still loves us deeply.

I know I love my sons deeply and right now I can't fathom them doing things like Absalom did but I know I would love them just the same. No matter how crazy they get I will love them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Becoming a warrior=obedience to Jesus

Braveheart, Gladiator, and 300 have nothing on David from the Bible.

I've been reading a lot about David in my Bible reading and his stories are all about action, adventure, soap opera drama(Bathsheba), and most of all submission to the Father. But no one can say that the Bible is boring. If you do then your saying all your favorite tv shows or movies are boring.

David conquered nations, overthrew governments, enacted justice, was a righteous outlaw, and hardly ever lost but most of all he submitted to and obeyed God.

This is something I think that we can all learn from. David let things happen in Gods timing. He followed and obeyed the Lord wholeheartedly. In today's world, the world of have it your way we push our own will into Gods will for our lives. Not. Good.

The cool thing though is David was called a man after Gods own heart. I think that is why men are drawn to the action movies. We want to be David the warrior but without the obedience. I believe if we would step up and risk out goals to follow God in obedience each of us will live the warriors life like David and truly be men after Gods own heart.

Obedience to God requires sacrifice(you might be asked to give up your plush job), taking risks(new circle of friends or doing things you don't think you can do), possibly losing security($ is not required when following Jesus), but when we obey Jesus it will all be worth it and I can guarantee you that you won't regret it.

Will you be a warrior? Obey Jesus and you will be.

Speaking of warrior i did lots of warrior poses in my workout. Today was yoga and I did the best I've done yet and I'm actually enjoying it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Learning from my 2 year old

Part of Saul's downfall was his pride. He lost David as a leader because he was jealous of him. Saul wanted to kill David because he was a better leader. There is a lot to learn from this. Saul became so consumed with getting David that his Kingdom started to suffer. Sometimes we get jealous of those around us. It is not right as it distracts from the purpose God has for us.

Joshua is doing great with Caleb and hasn't really showed any jealousy. One way Joshua showed his love for his little brother is by offering him his blanket. Joshua treasures his blanket so he was really giving Caleb what was most valuable to Him. Saul could have learned something from my 2 year old. I can definitely learn from my 2 year old. Great example Joshua!

Rest day was a much needed break from P90X. I feel good about where I'm at as I head into week 4.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


We need to all learn to shut our yappers. I am tired of all the complaining. I took our Mexico team to the airport this morning and had a good conversation on the way down in the van about complaining and being negative. There is too much of it going on in the church. But silence I think is on both sides so i will be silent.

I read about Saul becoming king in 1 Samuel. When he became king there were troublemakers
(10:26) who despised him and talked about him behind his back. But it says he remained silent. A lot can be said about Saul and how he fell away from God but there was a time when he was a good man. I know as a leaders in the church we will get despised and people will talk about us behind our backs. I know that happens. I know that I need to be silent as that happens and not just silence for silence's sake but I believe Grace is very present in that Silence. Saul extended Grace by not lashing out. I need to do the same. On the flip side I have got to not be that troublemaker. I need to be the guy that doesn't despise my leaders and this isn't just my direct circle of leaders but in my denomination and government as well.

The work out felt good for the first time this week. Maybe I'm catching my second wind as I head into recovery week. I am done with the intense part of phase 1. Now it's lots of cardio in "recovery" and onto phase 2. 3 weeks are completed and I still haven't missed a day.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chick Flick

Hollywood should look to the Bible next time try want to make a best selling chick flick. The book of Ruth has all of the elements of a good one. Girl loses love, is poor, meets rich handsome man, they get married.

The beginning of 1 Samuel Hannah is barren and begs God for a child and she gets Samuel. How awesome and hopeful is that for a woman in the same situation.

I think that the take away is God is in control over all the 'drama' of our life. That's probably why Hollywood wouldn't use those stories because God moved in the drama not just someone 'heart' or 'feelings'.

God cares about whatever situation we are in and wants to make the drama of our lives have a happily ever after but we have to be prepared that itay not exactly look like Hollywood.

The 90 day challenge is one day away from being 1/4 of the way done. I did chest, back, and abs today. Tough but I feel good. I'm taking the Mexico team to the airport tomorrow morning at 4am not looking forward to that. But I am looking forward to seeing what God does in the lives of people on this trip.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Longest yard

It's ironic that I'm watching the longest yard on TNT and I feel like this week has been the longest yard. I'm praying next week I catch my second wind. Yoga was today and I did better than I have in 3 weeks.

I read judges 3-15 and it was all about following God. If Israel followed God they were blessed. It was a time of leadership unrest with hold over leadership from the system of Judges that Moses had set up. The Judge Jephthath learned that you have to be careful what you promise God. Because he promised God he would sacrifice the first thing that came out of his house when he came home after a war victory he lost his only daughter.

I am learning that God was really setting the tone for His Kingdom and rule in the Old Testament. I think we take advantage of the free Grace we have through Jesus' redeeming love when He went to the cross. Many of us would be dead as well as our whole families because of our sin if we lived in the Old Testament. A humbling fact.

I pray that I might be a man who obeys the Lord.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

After effect

Effective training leads to effective execution. What happens after?

I couple of people ask me today what I will do after the 90 days. My plan is to spend a couple of weeks in maintanence mode which will include running. I will then do another 90 days of P90X with my wife Kelly in the fall.

As far as Bible reading I will pick another reading plan as for my personal time I love reading straight through as it gives me great perspective.

Today I was reading about Joshuas after effect. He had great execution but the one mistake he made was not developing leaders well enough to hand off to. He served the Lord well and when he died Israel fell away from God. It is my prayer that I leave an after effect in any position I hold and especially when it comes to my physical and spiritual health as well as my family.

Don't be a slacker!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Ahhhhhhhhhh. This was insanity today. I really want to throw in the towel just one day. It is tough but I don't want to be that guy who quits when the going gets tough.

I read Joshua 1-14 and it was tough for him in conquering Canaan but he had spent years training under Moses and was ready to serve God and lead well. Joshua was in touch with Spirit so he could ask God for things like making the sun stand still. I want to have the character of Joshua so when my time comes I can lead and follow God well. But now I am in training and building the character that will allow me to lead well and I can't quit.

Monday, May 17, 2010

No excuses

Excuses are for the weak. I will no longer be weak. Wow. Beginning of week 3 and I am battling my mind big time. I willed myself to workout and read today. I honestly felt no desire to do so. In the past i would have came up with a great excuse as to why i shouldnt read or workout.

But I'm glad I pushed myself. I'm going to call this intense week. This is the week we seperate the men from the boys. Who will fall off track and who will stick with it. I for one will stick with it.

No excuses

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I had an awesome anniversary date with my hot wife Kelly last night. We had UNOs pizza and saw Robin Hood. It was awesome to go out as we hadn't been out in probably a month. It was a good time reflecting and just hanging out together.

We have been married 6 years and I can't wait for at least 60 more.

Get off your couch

and do something. You and I both know that most of us just lay on our spiritual couch or literal couch.

No matter what we say our theology is our actions show us our theology a lot more. I'm reading Deuteronomy and mostly we find love and obedience as interchangeable. In fact Jesus repeats most of these commands in the Gospels. It says that if we love Jesus we will obey what he commands.

Some of us want to do great things for God and yet we can't even get up and open the Bible. What makes us think God will use us for great things when we can't even do the little things.

I am taking this 90 day challenge not just to get in shape spiritually, physically, and emotionally but to change my lifestyle in all 3 areas.

Today was rest day although I did take a mile walk and read Deut. 8-23. I'm praying God does a work in me and all who are doing this challenge with me.

Don't be a slacker.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

City of Refuge

Are you someone people run from when they are in trouble or run to? At the end of Numbers God commands Israel to set up cities of refuge so people who screwed up can have a safe place to live. Are the environments you set up safe? I think too many "Christians" aren't safe and it's clear as we unpack scripture further we are to be places of Refuge.

The early part of Deuteronomy is also great as it talks a lot about obedience and love to God no matter what you are going through. Love and Obedience are always linked here. I am learning that to love God is to obey Him. It isn't just about verbally saying that I love Him. But to be able to love God without it becoming legalistic we have to learn to experience His love because when we do you will not want to do anything but obey Him.

I believe this 90 day challenge and beyond is showing Jesus my love. This morning I finished my last day of week 2 workouts and I am still going strong. Love it.

Today's scripture was numbers 33- deut. 7. It was full of great stuff.

Friday, May 14, 2010

One Word P90X

It pushes me to my limit everyday. I am almost halfway through phase 1 or 1/6 through the program and I'm already getting great results. Although to this point I've only lost 2.5 pounds I've lost about 2 inches off of my waist which is awesome. I have also not felt better in a long time.

The scripture reading is going great. God is teaching me great things as I'm in Numbers. Today the main part of the passage was when the donkey talked to Balaam. It took an animal to recognize God and communicate that to Balaam. I wonder how often I am so focused on my plan and strategy that I forget or ignore what God is saying like Balaam. It was definitely a great reminder for me.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Joshua

Today was Joshuas second birthday and it was a lot of fun playing with him and his new tee ball set. He is a natural. Can't wait to see how he develops as a man. Looking forward to doing life with him.

Today was yoga day which is really hard and works you hard as well.

Scripture was the story in Numbers of the spies with Joshua and Caleb bring back a good report. Hopefully God empowers my 2 sons with their names to make the same kind of stands for Jesus. Love those 2 so much. My prayer for them every night is that they grow up to love Jesus and help others find Jesus' love as well.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Let the Next Generation Lead

If you are over 50 step aside. 24 "This applies to the Levites: Men twenty-five years old or more shall come to take part in the work at the Tent of Meeting, 25 but at the age of fifty, they must retire from their regular service and work no longer. 26 They may assist their brothers in performing their duties at the Tent of Meeting, but they themselves must not do the work. This, then, is how you are to assign the responsibilities of the Levites." Numbers 8:24-26

I didn't say it the Bible did. This isn't saying if you are over 50 you have no say or input but to assist. To me assisting goes beyond doing what some young guys says but mentoring them. Make sure that they are being trained well. Provide the insight of the years of service. That is so valuable to the church and we young bucks need that. I like the word assist as it isn't lording over but it is coming alongside. I find it interesting that scripture talks about this. What does that mean for our church today?

I think it is a principle that holds true. I have heard Rick Warren, Andy Stanley, and others well over 50 talk about this idea of the older letting the younger lead. I'm not that old but I know that the way the young teenager expresses themselves in their youth group is the coming way to do church and I should let them do it if I want to reach as many people for Christ as possible.

This was a great reminder from Numbers of all places. Sorry if you are mad but it is just what the Bible said. :)

Today's workout was shoulder, arms, and abs...tough...but I am now on the downslope of week 2.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today was a frustrating day. I weighed myself after one week and have lost 1lb. Most of what I'm reading says that's ok as my muscles aren't dormate anymore and they weigh more than fat. But still frustrating. I feel great though and can't wait to see what happens.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Leviticus 1-14 takes a lot of discipline to stick with. I think that Leviticus gets a bad wrap. It can be boring yes. But to me Leviticus is rich with showing us how to worship God. Leviticus lists many ways to sacrifice to God because of our sin. The great thing is the ultimate sacrifice was made by Jesus Christ and we no longer have to abide by Leviticus but what can we learn today. For one we can learn the reverence of worshipping God. Leviticus is very particular about what to do when worshipping God. In some instances when worshipping the presence of God was so great the Israelites fell on their faces. When was the last time the presence of God was so great that we did that? There is particular emphasis on taking care of yourself especially when in God's presence. I think if we all treated coming before God as holy and reverent as it is spelled out in Leviticus we can provide an environment where God can move.

We need to contextualize what reverence today looks like. Here are some of my thoughts:

1. Being with God during your week

2. Taking care of your health (eating right, exercising, etc.... which is why I am doing this 90 day plan)

3. Loving well. Why is it that pagan's love others better than Christians? Ask any waiter or waitress what they feel when they see someone praying before their meal. I will tell you they feel they might get treated poorly and definitely short changed on their tip. This isn't right. There are other examples. I think we don't love well because we don't know how deal with our issues.

4. Deal with your issues. Pagan's love better than us because they can deal with their issues easier because they aren't as afraid of what others think than we are in the church. We have to create an environment in the church where people can talk about their issues and not looked down upon. It is natural for people in the church not to tell others their issues because you lose status in the church if you have issues. In the world typically nothing is gained nor lost based on issues. Because pagans know everyone has them. To find people who deal with their issues is easy. Take a risk and open up to someone and deal with them.

5. Passionately pursue the lost. Lost people matter to God and he wants them in His church. This is how we are reverent to God. We provide environments where lost people find Him.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

End of Week 1

Today is a day of rest for the workout program. It is much needed. My body is sore and needs to recoup. Today I will still be reading the scriptures.

I will be finishing the Book of Exodus today. Exodus God lays out many details of how he wants Israel to be established. The one that stuck out is the day of rest or Sabbath. God even went so far as to tell Israel that if they worked on the Sabbath they would be put to death. That is serious attention to detail. Not only is a Sabbath biblical but it is scientific that our bodies are healthier and in turn produce better work because of it.

I am really wrestling with the idea of Grace vs Works. In the Old Testament God lays out very detailed plans into how they were to live their lives. No one can succeed at the law God put forth which is why God sent Jesus to pay the penalty of failure for us so we don't have to die if we break the Sabbath because Christ died for us. But I think we take advantage of Christ's death by just saying oh well or I will work on it. I feel like we water down His Grace. Maybe I'm wrong but throughout scripture it says if we love Him we will obey Him. I have to ask myself am I obeying the Father or am I just relying on Grace? To me if we have received His Grace and Love our live will show that by our actions. It seems it is dangerous these days to talk about works. I truly believe that you cannot be saved by works but after salvation there is no room for us to not act. Grace and works are inseparable after salvation. God still wants us to live a life that is like Jesus but the beauty is we don't die when we fail if we are in Christ Jesus. Which understanding that should motivate us to live more like Christ. Because if we didn't have Him we would die. Every time we sin that deserves death but Jesus died for us. That is a humbling fact. If we are acting like Jesus then we should wonder whether or not we are saved...just saying...

I wonder how Rob Larsen and Josh Conn are doing with this challenge after the first week.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Grass is greener

When we are frustrated the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. But most of the time when we get there we are just as frustrated.

I read Exodus 16-28 today and that is exactly what I found the Israelites doing. They were grumbling on the other side of the fence. In fact they said it would be better if we were back where we were and had died there. Crazy that they thought where they came from was better. I believe God wants contentment. I think that is one of the reasons the Israelites wandered for 40 years, they were not content. God promised them a land but wanted their hearts and was determined to get it.

This is something I need to remember. God wants my heart and I know when I fully give it to Him contentment will happen.

Today I finished my first week of P90X workouts. I feel great and I am still pumped about this workout program. Excited to see how God uses this.

Friday, May 7, 2010

God is Sovereign

Exodus 1-15 is all about God's Sovereignty. Do you believe God is control? If not read Exodus 1-15. Some people try to explain it away which is dangerous theologically. Why would God harden someone's heart? God has a plan and who am I to question it? If he wants to harden a heart why can't he to accomplish his purposes? He wanted to bring Egypt to their knees as well as build trust and faithfulness in the Israelites. Who are we to question that? It may seem difficult whatever situation we find ourselves but we have to trust that God is in control and His plan is greater than ours. We must be faithful to that.

I loved how God spoke to Moses when he was at his weakest and God moved through a burning bush in a powerful way. So many times God speaks clearly to me and I question it. This story is confirmation to never question God as He is in control.

The workout today was good for the soul. Feel like I'm in a good rythmn.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 4 of 90

I'm excited to do this 90 day challenge. Today I will be doing some yoga. Looking forward to seeing how that goes. I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately. Today I read the last 10 chapters of Genesis.

It was about how God spared Jacob and his family from the famine through his son Joseph. Joseph was sold into slavery and his family thought him to be dead but he rose up as the #2 leader in all of Egypt the most powerful nation of that time because he was faithful with where God had him.

I am going to be a little vulnerable and honest with where I am at. I love my job and where God has me but there are things I do that I know aren't my "sweet spot." Joseph's sweet spot was obviously in leading people in an organized way. He was wise and discerning and God used all his strengths and he seemed to love all that he did. But he did not start that way. I coach young people all the time on reaching their dreams or "sweet spot" in life. I always tell them be faithful with where God has you now and you will arrive to that place one day. It is a good reminder for me that I must be faithful with where God has me and do it to the best of my ability. So when the day comes for me to be in that "sweet spot" God is preparing me for I am ready to take it and accomplish it. It is my goal to be faithful to be fruitful as Joseph was.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hump day

Today is hump day of my first week in the 90 day challenge. It is normally the toughest day but today actually was my easiest day.

Genesis is teaching me a lot about patience and submission. It is all over the book. Today I read about Joseph and the promises God gave him. I identify a lot with Joseph as he is a man with a vision and a word from God who doesn't get it right away in fact he takes many steps back. I feel the same. I know God has given me a clear vision for my family and ministry. Neither have arrived but I know in Gods timing they will happen and I don't want to rush that.

The workout was fun today. It felt like an old basketball workout which brought back lots of great memories. I feel great. Heading towards the end of the first week I feel great!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 2

Made it through the burn. Today was cardio and I did well. Feel good but today's entry will be short as it's getting late.

I read Genesis 17-28:19. Learned a lot about the blessings of God. We need to be greatful for what God has given us. Boy am I grateful. He has provided me with a beautiful wife and 2 awesome kids. I am so blessed and I can't complain about some of the short comings my life brings.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1

One word: Brutal.

I read Genesis 1-16 from youversion's 90 day plan. It was very revealing to how God works. The theme throughout was submission. That is something I must do to succeed not only during these 90 days but in life. This 90 journey is called no slackers allowed. To rebel is to slack. If I rebel against the plan I fail. If I rebel against Gods plan then it is worse as I miss out on his perfect plan for me and I tell him I know better. I do not want to tell God I know better. I learned throughout the story of Abraham that when he didn't submit to God it did not go very well. God still worked but Abraham suffered. God even told Hagar who was being mistreated to submit. Not. Good. To be honest though I think it's less about submission and more about trust. Do you trust God enough to submit to him?


Food was tough today as I cut way back and felt hungry most of the day but I pushed through and did well but it was


As I was journaling today I had the overwhelming sense of Gods love and I thought my love for others is very inadequate for how much God loves me. But when I was given the opportunity to show love and Grace to someone at a store I reacted the opposite...not good

Finally P90X. It was tough not gonna lie. But I made it through. Core synergetics. It was one of the toughest workouts with no weights I have ever had but I made it through day one. Good thing I only do that particular workout once a week...but it was


Now to shower and wind down and get ready for Day 2...