Monday, May 24, 2010

Becoming a warrior=obedience to Jesus

Braveheart, Gladiator, and 300 have nothing on David from the Bible.

I've been reading a lot about David in my Bible reading and his stories are all about action, adventure, soap opera drama(Bathsheba), and most of all submission to the Father. But no one can say that the Bible is boring. If you do then your saying all your favorite tv shows or movies are boring.

David conquered nations, overthrew governments, enacted justice, was a righteous outlaw, and hardly ever lost but most of all he submitted to and obeyed God.

This is something I think that we can all learn from. David let things happen in Gods timing. He followed and obeyed the Lord wholeheartedly. In today's world, the world of have it your way we push our own will into Gods will for our lives. Not. Good.

The cool thing though is David was called a man after Gods own heart. I think that is why men are drawn to the action movies. We want to be David the warrior but without the obedience. I believe if we would step up and risk out goals to follow God in obedience each of us will live the warriors life like David and truly be men after Gods own heart.

Obedience to God requires sacrifice(you might be asked to give up your plush job), taking risks(new circle of friends or doing things you don't think you can do), possibly losing security($ is not required when following Jesus), but when we obey Jesus it will all be worth it and I can guarantee you that you won't regret it.

Will you be a warrior? Obey Jesus and you will be.

Speaking of warrior i did lots of warrior poses in my workout. Today was yoga and I did the best I've done yet and I'm actually enjoying it.

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