Sunday, May 9, 2010

End of Week 1

Today is a day of rest for the workout program. It is much needed. My body is sore and needs to recoup. Today I will still be reading the scriptures.

I will be finishing the Book of Exodus today. Exodus God lays out many details of how he wants Israel to be established. The one that stuck out is the day of rest or Sabbath. God even went so far as to tell Israel that if they worked on the Sabbath they would be put to death. That is serious attention to detail. Not only is a Sabbath biblical but it is scientific that our bodies are healthier and in turn produce better work because of it.

I am really wrestling with the idea of Grace vs Works. In the Old Testament God lays out very detailed plans into how they were to live their lives. No one can succeed at the law God put forth which is why God sent Jesus to pay the penalty of failure for us so we don't have to die if we break the Sabbath because Christ died for us. But I think we take advantage of Christ's death by just saying oh well or I will work on it. I feel like we water down His Grace. Maybe I'm wrong but throughout scripture it says if we love Him we will obey Him. I have to ask myself am I obeying the Father or am I just relying on Grace? To me if we have received His Grace and Love our live will show that by our actions. It seems it is dangerous these days to talk about works. I truly believe that you cannot be saved by works but after salvation there is no room for us to not act. Grace and works are inseparable after salvation. God still wants us to live a life that is like Jesus but the beauty is we don't die when we fail if we are in Christ Jesus. Which understanding that should motivate us to live more like Christ. Because if we didn't have Him we would die. Every time we sin that deserves death but Jesus died for us. That is a humbling fact. If we are acting like Jesus then we should wonder whether or not we are saved...just saying...

I wonder how Rob Larsen and Josh Conn are doing with this challenge after the first week.

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